Spring Is In The Air

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Mother Nature finally decided to smarten up today.  We hit a high of 24, and I was in heaven.  I took full advantage of the nice weather with my students, too.  First thing in the morning we headed outside for a little hopscotch with a math twist.  Before class, I drew several hopscotch designs on the playground pad and filled in the spaces with division and multiplication facts.  I had the students partner up.  One person hopped through and said the answer out loud.  The other person checked and helped if needed.  I was pleasantly surprised at how well they did.  Towards the end, I gave the students a challenge to see how quickly they could scoot through one of the hopscotches.  They loved this!

Next time I might have the students create their own hopscotch


  1. You have been nominated for a Liebster award! Congratulations!


    1. Super Exciting!! So, I answer the questions you posted on my blog, right? Do I need to nominate someone else, too?
